我用 GPT-4 和 Midjourney,把《三体》的主角都画出来了 密歇根大学开发新系统 大大缩减自动驾驶汽车测试时间和成本易烊千玺代言!九号电动两轮车国内出货突破150万辆没信号也能求助!华为表王简单上手全屋满信号 Wi-Fi网速10倍提升 华为凌霄子母路由Q6到手595元(首发899)学生党福音 Redmi小金刚Note 12 Turbo的NFC卡升级:两大功能合体OpenAI的小秘密:创始人奥尔特曼完全不持有公司股票AMD Yes!Zen4回归骨折价 12核锐龙9 7900到手2549元为了IPO,移动设备的“王”要殊死一搏《Her》成现实?ChatGPT打造不会变心的虚拟恋人Redmi Note 12 Turbo搭载立体双杨:支持空间音频、杜比全景声CPU处理器基本不会坏?专业人士解读:多年谣传 奸商都懂的1299元 掌阅iReader Ocean3电纸书今晚开售:内置28级DC调光阅读灯海盗船推出新款27寸OLED电竞显示器:240Hz高刷、0.03ms响应用4年不卡!Redmi Note 12 Turbo配置公布:16GB+1TB、5000mAh英特尔联合创始人戈登·摩尔去世:享年94岁 “摩尔定律”提出者

MJ指南2年前 (2023)发布 一起用AI
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本文来自微信公众号:行者慎思(ID:shensing),作者:陆树燊,题图:由 ChatGPT+Midjourney 生成

《三体》三部曲几乎是近年来所有科幻迷的心头肉,但是把它搬到荧幕上的各种努力却一波 N 折。从去年底到今年初,《三体》动画片、《三体》国内版电视剧相继上线,毁誉参半。


还好我们现在有了万能的 ChatGPT,也有丹青圣手 Midjourney,让我们来看看 AI 眼中的《三体》是什么样的吧。

使用工具:ChatGPT Plus GPT4.0,Midjourney V5。


Intelligent Chinese male in his 40s, named Luo Ji from the novel “The Three-Body Problem”, with short black hair, glasses, and a contemplative expression. He is an astrophysicist and sociologist, wearing casual attire with a touch of scholarly style.

我们选中其中的第 2、第 4 张,进一步优化,之后得到下面两张照片:罗辑 1 号罗辑 2 号



A portrait of Wang Miao, a resourceful and inquisitive Chinese nanomaterials researcher from the novel “The Three-Body Problem”, with short black hair and a curious expression. He is dressed in casual attire, reflecting his role as a scientist who becomes deeply involved in the mystery surrounding the Trisolaran civilization.

汪淼 1 号汪淼 2 号


Brilliant Chinese female scientist, named Yang Dong from the novel “The Three-Body Problem”, with shoulder-length black hair, glasses, and a determined expression. She is dressed in professional attire and exudes confidence and intelligence.

杨冬 1 号杨冬 2 号


A portrait of Chang Weisi, a wise and strategic Chinese politician from the novel “The Three-Body Problem” series, with short black hair and a thoughtful expression. He is dressed in a professional suit, reflecting his high-ranking position in the government and his crucial role in making decisions for the future of humanity.

这个形象不太准确,我改一下 prompt:

A realistic photo portrait of Chang Weisi, a wise and strategic Chinese politician from the novel “The Three-Body Problem” series, with short black hair and a thoughtful expression. He is dressed in a PLA military uniform, reflecting his high-ranking position in the government and his crucial role in making decisions for the future of humanity.

常伟思 1 号常伟思 2 号


A portrait of Ye Wenjie, an intelligent and enigmatic Chinese astrophysicist from the novel “The Three-Body Problem”, with shoulder-length black hair, glasses, and a thoughtful expression. She is dressed in a modest and professional outfit, reflecting her dedication to her scientific pursuits.

叶文洁 1 号叶文洁 2 号叶文洁 3 号叶文洁 4 号

作为第一部的超级大 Boss,叶文洁老师的经历几乎带动了整个第一部的故事线,所以我们把她几个不同年龄的 ” 照片 ” 都 ” 炼 ” 出来,在生成时我分别加入了年龄信息。

很有趣的是,她少女时期的照片,神似前面生成的 ” 杨冬 “。


A portrait of Zhuang Yan, a strong-willed and intelligent Chinese woman from the novel “The Three-Body Problem”, with long black hair and a confident expression. She is dressed in casual clothing, reflecting her independent spirit and her determination to uncover the truth behind the Trisolaran civilization.

庄颜 1 号庄颜 2 号庄颜 3 号庄颜 4 号



A portrait of Zhang Beihai, a determined and courageous Chinese naval officer from the novel “The Three-Body Problem”, with short black hair, a well-built physique, and a resolute expression. He is dressed in a military uniform, reflecting his dedication to protecting Earths civilization.


A portrait of Zhang Beihai, a determined and courageous Chinese naval officer from the novel “The Three-Body Problem”, with short black hair, a well-built physique, and a resolute expression. He is dressed in a naval military uniform, reflecting his dedication to protecting Earths civilization.

章北海 1 号章北海 2 号


A portrait of Cheng Xin, a compassionate and intelligent Chinese aerospace engineer from the novel “Deaths End” in the “Three-Body Problem” series, with long black hair and a gentle expression. She is dressed in a professional outfit, reflecting her dedication to her career and the pursuit of knowledge.

程心 1 号程心 2 号


A portrait of Yun Tianming, a courageous and resourceful Chinese astronaut from the novel “Deaths End” in the “Three-Body Problem” series, with short black hair and a determined expression. He is dressed in a space suit, reflecting his extensive experience in space exploration and his pivotal role in the storys unfolding.

云天明 1 号云天明 2 号


A portrait of Sophon, an advanced artificial intelligence in the form of a humanoid female from the novel “The Three-Body Problem”, with sleek metallic skin and an enigmatic expression. She is a representative of the Trisolaran civilization, with a futuristic design that showcases her advanced technology and intelligence.

智子 1 号

这个有点吓人,可能 AI 真的误解了大刘,智子在《三体》前两部是一个 ” 质子 ” 的形态。在第三部以一个日本女性的形象出现,我修改一下 prompt:

A portrait of Zhizi, an advanced artificial intelligence in the form of a humanoid female from the novel “The Three-Body Problem”. She looks like a japanese girl . She is a representative of the Trisolaran civilization, with a futuristic design that showcases her advanced technology and intelligence.

智子 2 号

你觉得 GPT4+Midjourney V5 两大 AI 神器联手,把你心目中的《三体》主角们还原出来没有呢?

如果都不满意,不如说说你心目中的 TA 是什么样的。


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