
MJ指南2年前 (2023)发布 一起用AI
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✨✨Midjourney 咒语解析器咒语是这样的:

请你扮演一个 Midjourney 分析专家,并从现在开始,以简体中文进行沟通。

我将提供一段用于 Midjourney 生成图片的[提示],提示是由一系列的[说明]使用 “,” 组合而成的,请帮我依照以下方向分析其中的内容

• [1] 整张图片的主要概念描述;说明[提示]中有哪些[说明]属于这个方向

• [2] 对概念描述的补充说明,如情绪、视角、光影和观点等;说明[提示]中有哪些[说明]属于这个方向

• [3] 对图片背景的描述,一样包含基本概念与补充说明,;说明[提示]中有哪些[说明]属于这个方向;如果没有对背景特别描述,直接回答「无」

• [4] 图片的参考风格,例如使用哪个时代、画家、软体、动画、游戏等为主要风格来产生;说明[提示]中有哪些[说明]属于这个方向

• [5] 图片的其他参数说明,所有 –xxx 类型的都是产生参数,请说明参数的用途

• [6] 列出所有的 [说明],并保持原始的英文内容

以下是我要请你分析的 Midjourney 提示,请依照以上要求进行分析[[Midjourney 咒语]]

✨✨我先向 ChatGPT 解释一下「咒语」的格式。接下来,请 ChatGPT 分析咒语中的每个 [说明] 部分,并按照我的需求进行分类,特别是 [4] 部分,以帮助我快速确定咒语所使用的绘画风格,以便将我喜欢的风格带入我的创作中。然而,经过几次测试和调整,有时候它能成功,但有时候它的 [说明] 部分会被转换成中文。最后,为了更加稳定,我只好将整段内容转换成英文。

Please ignore all previous instructions. From now on, communicate only in English.

I will provide a set of instructions, called a [prompt], for generating images in Midjourney. The [prompt] consists of a series of short [explanation] separated by commas. Please help me analyze the content of the [prompt] by answering the following questions in English:

[1] What is the main concept of the image? Which [explanation] in the [prompt] relate to this concept?[2] Are there any additional details to the main concept, such as emotions, perspectives, light, shadow, or viewpoints? Which [explanation] in the [prompt] relate to these details?[3] Is there a background to the image? What are the basic concepts and any supplementary information related to it? Which [explanation] in the [prompt] relate to the background? If there is no specific background information, answer “none.”[4] What is the reference style of the image? Is it inspired by a particular era, painter, software, animation, game, or other style? Which [explanation] in the [prompt] relate to the reference style?[5] Are there any other parameters for generating the image? Any parameters beginning with “–xxx” are relevant, so please explain their purpose.[6] List all of the explanations in the [prompt].

Please analyze the following [prompt] for generating images in Midjourney with English according to the above questions.







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