(checkpoint) ligne clair style(cogecha焦茶) – 12.0

(checkpoint) ligne clair style(cogecha焦茶) - 12.0

Run Model 使用GRAVITI Diffus 关于GRAVITI Diffus
Model Name (checkpoint) ligne clair style(cogecha焦茶)
Model Type Checkpoint
Base Model Other
Version Name 12.0
File Name CheckpointLigneClair_120.ckpt
SHA256 96ea65a181
NSFW False
Trigger Words
Tags anime, style
Metadata fp = fp16
size = full
format = PickleTensor
Size 1.99 GB
Version Description

Compared to the ligne clair Lora,this ckpt trained by dreambooth has a better generalization but less stability.If interesting ,you can try this,but I more recommand using lora to generation your pictures.

与我的ligne clair lora 相比,这个ckpt有更好的泛化,但稳定性更差,感兴趣可以尝试.我更推荐使用lora.

The lora and ckpt use same train set.

Source https://civitai.com/models/10466
Author zbw



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