VivCharMix – Effect of transforming ACG characters into real-life people is outstanding – v2.0

VivCharMix  - Effect of transforming ACG characters into real-life people is outstanding - v2.0

Run Model 使用GRAVITI Diffus 关于GRAVITI Diffus
Model Name VivCharMix – Effect of transforming ACG characters into real-life people is outstanding
Model Type Checkpoint
Base Model Other
Version Name v2.0
File Name vivcharmixEffectOf_v20.safetensors
SHA256 5efac950d8
NSFW False
Trigger Words
Tags anime, photorealistic, sexy, style
Metadata fp = fp16
size = pruned
format = SafeTensor
Size 3.37 GB
Version Description


Great sense of light and shadow, background, color adjustment, and body shape. It’s more realistic, so it can have a higher tolerance for adding other LORAs. Unlike V1, which is so vibrant, V1 is more suitable for display. Therefore, I named V1 – Aesthetics and V2 – Appealing.

Author Calorstate

VivCharMix – Effect of transforming ACG characters into real-life people is outstanding

(The English translation can be found below the text)







Oekaki negative TI

Negative Embedding for Realistic Vision v2.0

建議負面詞: (EasyNegative verybadimagenegative_v1.3, sd1-failed-oekaki:0.8), ( realisticvision-negative-embedding:1.1)

使用Hires Fix整數縮放(最接近) Nearest可以得到最像真人結果

EasyNegative 越高臉型越符合,但畫面會越銳利

verybadimagenegative_v1.3 越高衣物細節越正確,但像油畫

sd1-failed-oekaki 越高背景越好,但越像小孩而且嬌小


VivCharMix  - Effect of transforming ACG characters into real-life people is outstanding - v2.0




(1) 臉部好看的生成模型,適合生成ACG人物真人化,保留氣質和神韻和衣物細節

(2) 對ACG的Loras有高適應性和寬容度(建議權重0.3~0.8,用0.05當作一個區間調整)

(3) 鮮明飽滿的顏色和動態的表情

(4) 可以相對正確的生成NSFW內容,以及可正確表現體液

(5) 對畫風style類Loras敏感,大概0.3就足以改變輸出結果,0.6會大幅影響畫面,增加可玩性。 對姿勢類、服裝類Loras也有相當好支援性

VivCharMix  - Effect of transforming ACG characters into real-life people is outstanding - v2.0

(6) 可以產生ACG中出現的裝飾元素,例如spoken heart、emphasis lines、speech bubble…

–> 使用新的負面詞後,甚至可出現紅眼、綠眼

(7) 適合當作ACG轉真人圖生圖的模型

負面詞:EasyNegative, verybadimagenegative_v1.3, sd1-failed-oekaki、修改幅度0.45

VivCharMix  - Effect of transforming ACG characters into real-life people is outstanding - v2.0

經過兩次img to img

VivCharMix  - Effect of transforming ACG characters into real-life people is outstanding - v2.0


(1) 場景單一,特別容易出現日常或素色背景,建議用Loras或Prompts調整

解決,加上Oekaki negative TI負面詞後會擁有更出色的品質和印象深刻的背景

(2) 沒有對ACG男性角色微調,可能導致娘化


VivCharMix  - Effect of transforming ACG characters into real-life people is outstanding - v2.0

(3) masterpiece關鍵字被錯誤綁定,容易生成nsfw內容

(4) 使用新關鍵字後,身材過瘦、過於平坦,我覺得如果更凹凸有致
並且有點肌肉會更好看。 或著可以用prompt或Loras調整



3moon anime_cosplay

3moon REAL_Photo


Lofi V2


VivCharMix  - Effect of transforming ACG characters into real-life people is outstanding - v2.0

原圖 Original image

加上新的負面詞Oekaki negative TI重新比較

VivCharMix  - Effect of transforming ACG characters into real-life people is outstanding - v2.0

原圖2 Original image 2

(Translated by Chatgpt)


This module’s main purpose is to transform ACG characters into real-life people.

It brings characters to life from drawings while avoiding issues like cosplayers (insufficient real-life representation, appearance too REALISTIC), dolls (oversized eyes, small noses), and figurines (stiff expressions, plastic feel).




Oekaki negative TI

Negative Embedding for Realistic Vision v2.0

(EasyNegative verybadimagenegative_v1.3, sd1-failed-oekaki:0.8), ( realisticvision-negative-embedding:1.1)

Using Hires Fix-Nearest can achieve the most realistic results.

This is a fine-tuned proportion that offers better tolerance and results.

The higher the EasyNegative, the more accurate the face shape, but the image will be sharper.

The higher the verybadimagenegative_v1.3, the more accurate the clothing details, but the output will resemble an oil painting.

The higher the sd1-failed-oekaki, the better the background, but the result will look more childlike and petite.

You can fine-tune according to your needs.

All fine-tuning is based on these negative Prompts. Without using them, it’s impossible to achieve the expected results of the module I created and shared.

No need for VAE


(1) Generates good-looking faces, suitable for turning ACG characters into real-life people, preserving their looks, charm, and clothing details

(2) Highly adaptive and tolerant to ACG Loras (recommended weight: 0.3~0.8, adjust in 0.05 intervals)

(3) Vivid, full colors and dynamic expressions

(4) NSFW Okay!! Visable Body Fluid!!

(5) Sensitive to style-related Loras, roughly 0.3 is enough to change output results, 0.6 will significantly affect the image, increasing playability. Also offers good support for pose and clothing Loras

(6) Can generate ACG decorative elements, such as spoken hearts, emphasis lines, speech bubble, etc.

–> After using the new negative terms, even red eyes and green eyes can appear.

(7) Suitable as a model for creating real-life images from ACG characters

Recommended negative Prompts: (EasyNegative:0.9), (verybadimagenegative_v1.3:0.9), Amplitude: 0.45

After two img-to-img adjustments,


(1) Limited scenes, especially prone to everyday or simple backgrounds, recommend using Loras or Prompts to improve

Solved. By adding “Oekaki negative TI” negative terms, the quality and backgrounds will be even more outstanding.

(2) No fine-tuning for ACG male characters, maybe looks girly

Good-looking Astolfo Face

(3) The “masterpiece” keyword is mistakenly bound, easily generating NSFW content

(4) After using the new keywords, the body is too thin and overly flat. I think it would look better if it were more curvy and had some muscle. Alternatively, you can adjust it using prompts or Loras

Currently, no better, similarly purposed models can be merged. This is the completed version until I learn MWB.

Special thanks to:


3moon anime_cosplay

3moon REAL_Photo


Lofi V2

Compared to other real-life transformation effects


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