GhostMix – v1.2

GhostMix - v1.2

Run Model 使用GRAVITI Diffus 关于GRAVITI Diffus
Model Name GhostMix
Model Type Checkpoint
Base Model SD 1.5
Version Name v1.2
File Name ghostmix_v12.safetensors
SHA256 f20c91bd27
NSFW False
Trigger Words
Tags anime, character, sexy, female, woman, girls, realistic
Metadata fp = fp32
size = pruned
format = SafeTensor
Size 5.28 GB
Version Description None
Author Ghost_Shell

2023.5.1 GhostMix-V1.2 (fp16 version uploaded)

UPDATE DETAIL(中文更新说明在下面)


If you like my model,please give me 5 Stars ,it will encourage me a lot. Thanks!

Color Problem :Check VAE is kl-f8-anime2 ?颜色问题:查VAE是否为kl-f8-anime2?

GhostMix V1.2 is an absolutely astonishing model, and I think it is the strongest 2.5D model in Civitai right now. I think a update of the model should improve the model’s compatibility, good image rate and image details given the main structure of 90% generated images doesn’t change. So I use layer combination to combine models layer by layer. And I got this model after 9 different versions of “the final version of GhostMix V1.2”,LOL.This version of GhostMix V1.2 is a balance in terms of compatibility, good image rate and image details, although sometimes using the same Promts of GhostMix V1.1, may comes up a different result.But this doesn’t happen too much.

GhostMix - v1.2

PS: The first image of GhostMix V1.2 is a nod to Mamoru Oshii’s version of Ghost in Shell in 1995, and my name Ghost_Shell is also a nod to this movie.

GhostMix - v1.2


GhostMix V1.2是绝对让你惊艳的模型,也是自己认为现在最强的2.5D模型。我认为模型的更新应该是基于现有的画面整体不大变的前提下,提高模型的成图率,兼容性和画面细节。所以我采用了分层融合,一共做了9个版本的“GhostMix V1.2最终版本”,最终得到了现在这个版本的GhostMix V1.2。这个版本的GhostMix V1.2在兼容性,成图率和画面细节表现比较平衡,虽然有时候会出现同样的Promts,出图改变的情况,但实测不多。

GhostMix - v1.2

PS:GhostMixV1.2的头图是致敬1995押井守版Ghost in Shell 攻壳机动队的生成的,Ghost in Shell也是作者名字的由来。

GhostMix - v1.2

2023.3.11 GhostMix-V1.0


First of all , I want to thank all the people who use this Checkpoint. And this is my first Checkpoint.All the sample image can be reproduced. This Checkpoint works well on both SFW and NSFW.THE NSFW PART IS VERY GOOD!!!
I uploaded this Checkpoint yesterday and from yesterday to today , I am still trying all the possibility of this Checkpoint. So if you try the model and find some good promts , I hope you can upload it and share with me, it will help me for the next version of GhostMix, Thank you agian!

Recommend Some Promts:

  1. Fractal Art(highly recommend,awsome)

(masterpiece, top quality, best quality, official art, beautiful and aesthetic:1.2), (1girl:1.3), (fractal art:1.3),
  1. Realistic Art-Girl & Flower field

((masterpiece, best quality)), 1girl, flower, solo, dress, holding, sky, cloud, hat, outdoors, bangs, bouquet, rose, expressionless, blush, pink hair, flower field, red flower, pink eyes, white dress, looking at viewer, midium hair, holding flower, small breasts, red rose, holding bouquet, sun hat, white headwear, depth of field,
  1. Color Art

(flat color:1.3),(colorful:1.3),(masterpiece:1.2), best quality, masterpiece, original, extremely detailed wallpaper, looking at viewer,1girl,solo,floating colorful water
  1. Realistic Art-Nude Girl(NSFW-recommend)

(masterpiece, top quality, best quality, official art, beautiful and aesthetic:1.3),  illustration, beautiful detailed eyes, (1girl), (nude),detailed nipples,huge breasts,puffy nipples, oniomania, erotic,beautiful detailed pussy,soft breasts,upper body

VAE&Textual Inversion:

VAE: kl-f8-anime2 or vae-ft-mse-840000-ema-pruned(anime suggest: kl-f8-anime2)

Textual Inversion: ng_deepnegative_v1_75t, easynegative

About Image Reproduction:

Some user said that they can not reproduce my result.Maybe the setting goes wrong.I just reproduce my cover image. If you want to reproduce my result, Checkpoint Model,Postive Promt,Negative Promt,Textual Inversion,Sampler Steps,Sampler,CFG,Resolution,Seed , ALL the things should be the SAME! Then be careful if you open controlnet or lora ,don’t make them influnence your result.

GhostMix - v1.2GhostMix - v1.2




  1. 分型艺术(超级推荐,必出好图)

(masterpiece, top quality, best quality, official art, beautiful and aesthetic:1.2), (1girl:1.3), (fractal art:1.3),
  1. 真实风格-少女与花海

((masterpiece, best quality)), 1girl, flower, solo, dress, holding, sky, cloud, hat, outdoors, bangs, bouquet, rose, expressionless, blush, pink hair, flower field, red flower, pink eyes, white dress, looking at viewer, midium hair, holding flower, small breasts, red rose, holding bouquet, sun hat, white headwear, depth of field,
  1. 色彩艺术

(flat color:1.3),(colorful:1.3),(masterpiece:1.2), best quality, masterpiece, original, extremely detailed wallpaper, looking at viewer,1girl,solo,floating colorful water
  1. 裸女(色图-推荐)

(masterpiece, top quality, best quality, official art, beautiful and aesthetic:1.3),  illustration, beautiful detailed eyes, (1girl), (nude),detailed nipples,huge breasts,puffy nipples, oniomania, erotic,beautiful detailed pussy,soft breasts,upper body

VAE&Textual Inversion:


Textual Inversion:ng_deepnegative_v1_75t,easynegative


有同学好像没法复现我的图,可能是设置有点问题,刚刚我才把头图给复现了。注意几个点:Checkpoint 模型,正向Promt,反向Promt,Textual Inversion,迭代步数,迭代方法,CFG,分辨率,随机种子都必须一模一样!然后复现的话,要把controlnet和lora关掉,怕影响复现。

GhostMix - v1.2GhostMix - v1.2


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