Game Icon Institute_mode – v2.1

Game Icon Institute_mode - v2.1

Run Model 使用GRAVITI Diffus 关于GRAVITI Diffus
Model Name Game Icon Institute_mode
Model Type Checkpoint
Base Model SD 1.5
Version Name v2.1
File Name gameIconInstitute_v21.safetensors
SHA256 899b83ea69
NSFW False
Trigger Words game icon
Tags style, 游戏, 游戏图标
Metadata fp = fp16
size = full
format = SafeTensor
Size 3.97 GB
Version Description

1. Fix the problem that the structure of the map in version 2.0 is strange

2. Fix the problem of fuzzy drawing in version 2.0

3. Fix the problem of monotonous drawing

4.Avoid failing to achieve the expected effect during the use of plug-ins

Author ConceptConnoisseur


This is a model of a large test game ICON, which belongs to the beta version. Welcome to join the QQ group: 489141941 to discuss and give comments, which is convenient for model development. This model is mainly suitable for the generation of game icons. There is no need to add back tags when using it. This version is mass-produced by the Icon Academy model, and everyone is welcome to use and comment for better optimization in the future.

“AI-Independent Game Research Institute”

Established on May 5th, QQ group: 513627886, people who are interested in independent games can come and join our small family to discuss research and learn about the development of independent games.

1. The independent game group is suitable for a group of people who want to make independent games.

2. The group is full of people with common goals, you can do it yourself or find a friend

3. If a family encounters problems, they can chat in the group


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